------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screenshot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ######### ######### ##.......## #.......# #.........# ########.._..|.######..<......# .|...##...[...................# #...........#######.......## #...........# #.......# ##########.....(.....# #######...### ...............|.....# #...........# ##### ##########.........#####...........# .##...### ##.........................# #........###########################..[......######...........## #........[...................*...[......|..### #............# #.......$.########################]...|..|## #............# ....../....# #....||.||# #............# ...........# #.........# #####.......## #.....D[...## #....||..|# #.......# ###..T@...# ##..|.||.## ###...### ###...### #.....|.# ##### ##### ######### Tohno St:21 Le:19 Wi:17 Dx:32 To:23 Ch:14 Ap:20 Ma:21 Pe:29 N= DV/PV: 40/22 H: -3(190) P: 73(73) Exp: 17/262285 UC: 4 Sp: 100 Strained ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Tohno Race: male High Elf Class: Archer Eye color: amber Hair color: black Complexion: light Height: 6'5" Weight: 125 pounds Age: 206 (grown-up) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 30/Candle (day 300 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents belong to the middle class. They are average people living in average quarters. Your father is a craftsman of mediocre talent. As a child your parents cared a lot for you. Despite all circumstances you enjoyed a happy and fine childhood. As a kid you often watched the adult adventurers preparing for new exciting journeys. They sparked your imagination. Your young adulthood was characterized by hard and long work. You had decided to study under a renowned master. To your great disappointment you had to find out, that he was a hard, unjust and tyrannic man, embittered by his old age. Your apprentice years were quite terrible. You decided to become an Archer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 2785 stones Carrying capacity: 2722 stones Head : mundane bone helmet [+0, +1] [40s] Neck : blessed amulet of perseverance {Wi+3} [3s] Body : mundane white dragon scale mail (-2, -4) [-2, +10] [200s] Girdle : mundane mithril girdle [+0, +4] [20s] Cloak : mundane cloak of defense [+3, +0] [20s] Right Hand : mundane eternium scimitar (+0, 2d8+8) [19s] Left Hand : mundane medium adamantium shield [+7, +2] [72s] Right Ring : mundane ring of damage [1s] Left Ring : mundane ring of stun resistance [1s] Bracers : mundane bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+4} [10s] Gauntlets : mundane blue dragon-hide gauntlets (-2, +0) [+0, +2] [10s] Boots : blessed leather boots [+0, +0] [25s] Missile weapon: blessed long bow (+2, +2) [30s] Missiles : bundle of 85 mundane arrows (+0, 1d6) [170s] Tool : - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 2164 stones Carrying capacity: 2722 stones Armor ('[') mundane elven chain mail [+0, +4] [10s] blessed ancient mummy wrapping [+1, +5] {Ap-8} [60s] Shields ('[') mundane large shield (-1) [+5, +1] [120s] mundane small crystal shield [+5, +0] [72s] Gauntlets ('[') mundane elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3] [10s] Cloaks ('[') mundane hooded cloak (+1, +1) [+1, +0] [40s] mundane hooded cloak [+1, +0] [40s] Girdles ('[') blessed adamantium girdle [+0, +3] [18s] mundane girdle of strength [+0, +0] {St+1} [15s] Necklaces (''') blessed amulet of health [3s] mundane amulet of perseverance {Wi+3} [3s] blessed amulet of order [3s] mundane amulet of petrification resistance [3s] heap of 2 mundane amulets of health [6s] mundane amulet of free action [3s] mundane amulet of teleport control [3s] mundane amulet of perseverance {Wi+3} [3s] mundane ankh [3s] One-handed weapons ('(') mundane rusty orcish spear (+1, 1d8+4) [75s] mundane orcish spear (+1, 1d8+2) [75s] mundane pick axe (+0, 1d6-2) [75s] mundane mithril scimitar (+0, 1d8+3) [32s] mundane sword of Nonnak (+2, 4d3+2) [+2, +2] {Wi+5} [80s] mundane mithril dagger (+4, 1d4+3) [8s] Missile weapons ('}') heap of 3 mundane short bows (+1, +0) [60s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 7 mundane arrows (+0, 1d6+2) [14s] mundane arrow of targeting (+6, 1d6) [2s] mundane arrow (+2, 1d6) [2s] bundle of 10 blessed arrows (+0, 1d6) [20s] mundane arrow (+1, 1d6) [2s] mundane balanced arrow (+4, 1d6) [2s] mundane arrow of slaying (+0, 1d6+1) [2s] bundle of 11 mundane arrows of jelly slaying (+3, 2d4+3) [22s] bundle of 2 mundane arrows (+0, 1d6+3) [4s] mundane arrow of darkness (+0, 1d6) [2s] mundane arrow (+0, 1d6-1) [2s] mundane arrow of thunder (+0, 1d6) [2s] mundane arrow (-3, 1d6) [2s] bundle of 8 mundane arrows of construct slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [16s] bundle of 10 cursed arrows of demon slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [20s] bundle of 7 blessed mithril arrows (+1, 1d6+3) [14s] blessed mithril quarrel (+1, 2d6+3) [2s] mundane throwing knife (+4, 1d3+5) [8s] Tools (']') mundane fletchery set (5) [70s] mundane waterproof blanket [10s] mundane fletchery set (6) [70s] mundane square key [1s] mundane tiny key [1s] mundane holy symbol [5s] blessed climbing set [180s] mundane climbing set [180s] mundane torch [10s] heap of 2 blessed sis [20s] cursed waterproof blanket [10s] heap of 8 blessed bandages [16s] blessed waterproof blanket [10s] blessed fireproof blanket [10s] mundane plain blanket [10s] cursed small key [1s] mundane hexagonal key [1s] mundane fireproof blanket [10s] mundane small key [1s] Rings ('=') mundane ring of cold resistance [1s] mundane brass ring [1s] blessed ring of fire resistance [1s] mundane ring of the fish [1s] mundane ring of acid resistance [1s] Wands ('\') mundane wand of stunning (6 charges) [3s] mundane wand of far slaying (10 charges) [3s] mundane wand of stunning (4 charges) [3s] mundane wand of wonder (6 charges) [3s] mundane wand of trap creation (8 charges) [3s] mundane wand of digging (4 charges) [3s] cursed wand of light (2 charges) [4s] blessed wand of fireballs (5 charges) [3s] mundane wand of knocking (5 charges) [3s] mundane wand of digging (1 charge) [3s] mundane wand of item detection (4 charges) [3s] cursed wand of poison (6 charges) [3s] mundane wand of door creation (2 charges) [3s] mundane wand of far slaying (0 charges) [3s] mundane wand of item detection (4 charges) [3s] mundane wand of fire (3 charges) [4s] mundane wand of door creation (3 charges) [3s] Potions ('!') mundane potion of poison [4s] mundane potion of youth [4s] heap of 2 mundane potions of ultra healing [4s] mundane potion of blindness [2s] heap of 15 potions of holy water [60s] mundane potion of uselessness [2s] heap of 2 mundane potions of raw mana [4s] heap of 2 mundane oils of rust removal [4s] mundane potion of cure poison [2s] heap of 5 mundane potions of booze [20s] mundane potion of boost speed [2s] heap of 3 mundane potions of healing [12s] mundane potion of boost strength [2s] mundane potion of boost learning [2s] heap of 5 blessed potions of extra healing [10s] mundane potion of potential toughness [4s] mundane potion of education [2s] mundane potion of boost toughness [2s] mundane potion of invisibility [4s] blessed potion of potential beauty [4s] blessed potion of boost strength [2s] Scrolls ('?') mundane scroll of warning [2s] blessed scroll of identify [2s] blessed scroll of uncursing [2s] heap of 2 mundane scrolls of charging [4s] mundane scroll of danger [2s] mundane papyrus scroll [2s] heap of 3 mundane scrolls of identify [6s] heap of 2 mundane blank scrolls [4s] heap of 2 mundane scrolls of power [4s] mundane scroll of defense [2s] mundane ratling pamphlet [2s] blessed scroll of familiar summoning [2s] mundane scroll of great identify [2s] cursed scroll of increase melee damage [2s] cursed scroll of great identify [2s] blessed scroll of great identify [2s] heap of 3 mundane scrolls of increase melee accuracy [6s] blessed scroll of luck [2s] mundane scroll of light [2s] mundane scroll of dark predictions [2s] Food ('%') heap of 6 mundane curaria mancox herbs [12s] heap of 3 mundane devil's roses [6s] heap of 4 mundane alraunia antidotes [8s] heap of 6 mundane demon daisies [12s] heap of 7 mundane stomafillia herbs [14s] heap of 3 mundane stomacemptia herbs [6s] heap of 2 mundane burb roots [4s] heap of 2 mundane pepper petals [4s] heap of 44 mundane cooked lizards [132s] blessed lump of bee wax [5s] heap of 3 mundane lumps of bee wax [15s] heap of 2 cursed moss patches of mareilon [4s] heap of 2 mundane moss patches of mareilon [4s] cursed iron ration [100s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melee weapon Lvl Hit Dam DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Unarmed fighting 2 +2 +0 +0 basic 38 Daggers & knives 6 +5 +2 +1 skilled 275 Clubs & hammers 1 +1 +0 +0 basic 25 Maces & flails 1 +1 +0 +0 basic 25 Swords 5 +3 +2 +1 skilled 10 Axes 1 +1 +0 +0 basic 25 Whips 1 +1 +0 +1 basic 25 Pole arms 10 +10 +6 +12 excellent 352 Twohanded weapons 1 +1 +1 +0 basic 25 Staves 1 +1 +0 +1 basic 25 Missile weapon Lvl Hit Dam Ra Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Slings 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Bows 7 +14 +10 +2 skilled 100 Crossbows 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown axes & hammers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown daggers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown rocks & clubs 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown spears 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Boomerangs & scurgari 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Shields Lvl DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- ------------- -------------- Shields 6 +12 skilled 237 Damage caused with your melee weapons: -------------------------------------- Right hand: +24 bonus to hit, 2d8+20 damage Damage caused with your missile weapons: ---------------------------------------- Ammunition: 85, base range: 40, +62 bonus to hit, 1d6+31 damage ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alertness ................ 54 (good) [+1d5] Archery ..................100 (superb) [+2d4] Backstabbing ............. 52 (good) [+2d4] Climbing ................. 99 (superb) [+2d4] Concentration ............ 87 (great) [+2d4] Detect traps ............. 40 (fair) [+3d4] Dodge .................... 76 (great) [+1d5] First aid ................ 63 (good) [+2d4] Fletchery ................ 84 (great) [+3d3] (ma) Haggling ................. 23 (mediocre) [+4d4] Herbalism ................ 38 (fair) [+2d4] Listening ................ 86 (great) [+1d3] Literacy ................. 57 (good) [+1d3] Pick pockets ............. 58 (good) [+1d5] Stealth ..................100 (superb) [+1d5] Swimming ................. 21 (mediocre) [+3d4] Tactics .................. 54 (good) [+1d5] Two weapon combat ........ 47 (fair) [+1d3] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Bolt : 8, 19pp (Effectivity: +0) Summon Monsters: 10, 57pp (Effectivity: +0) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- His achievements during his adventures: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tohno, the high elven archer, was consumed by a torrent of acid. He scored 121068 points and advanced to level 17. He survived for 0 years, 53 days, 7 hours, 46 minutes and 23 seconds (34050 turns). Tohno visited 57 places. His strength score was modified by +5 during his career. His learning score was modified by +3 during his career. His willpower score was modified by +2 during his career. His dexterity score was modified by +7 during his career. His toughness score was modified by +6 during his career. His charisma score was modified by +3 during his career. His appearance score was modified by +5 during his career. His mana score was modified by +3 during his career. His perception score was modified by +8 during his career. He was the champion of the arena. He was a member of the thieves guild. He ended his adventuring life in a damp cave on level 4. 1889 monsters perished under his attacks. The following nine artifacts were generated during his adventure: the si the scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle" the golden gladius "Death's Sting" the sword of Nonnak the elemental gauntlets the crown of science the ancient mummy wrapping the ankh the black torc He possessed the following intrinsics: He was fire resistant. He was poison resistant. He was lucky. He was able to control teleportation. He was stun resistant (gained through an item). He was shock resistant (gained through an item). He was immune to ice attacks (gained through an item). He had the following talents: Alert, Hardy, Healthy, Long Stride, Miser, Porter, Quick, Tough Skin, Very Quick. He had a final speed score of 100 (final base speed: 110). He was a fervent follower of Ayssia. He did not ask for divine help. He was neutrally aligned. He was slightly tainted by Chaos. The following monsters were vanquished: 2 annis hags 54 assassins 7 bandits 19 barbarians 6 barbarian leaders 1 beggar 3 berserkers 1 berserker lord 3 big dogs 1 black baby dragon 1 black druid 5 black hurthlings 1 black wizard 76 blink dogs 1 bone golem 1 brown bear 1 brown worm 8 bugbears 3 cave bears 17 cave fishers 1 cave lion 6 cave lizards 4 cave tigers 7 cavemen 1 chaos brother 2 chaos lizards 1 chaos plague bearer 7 chaos rats 2 chaos sisters 1 child 9 claw bugs 1 cobra 11 corpse fiends 1 corruptor 1 crime lord 4 crystal statues 3 cutpurses 1 cyclops 1 dark elven archer 1 dark elven priestess 4 dark elven warriors 3 dark elven wizards 2 dark orcs 1 dark sage 12 dire wolves 4 displacer beasts 6 dopplegangers 1 doppleganger lord 2 dwarves 1 ettin 2 eyes of destruction 15 fire beetles 1 fire drake 5 fire lizards 1 fire vortex 4 flesh golems 4 floating eyes 5 gargoyles 6 gelatinous cubes 6 ghosts 4 ghost bats 1 ghost lord 63 ghuls 1 giant ant queen 10 giant ant warriors 2 giant ant workers 14 giant bats 1 giant bee queen 85 giant bee warriors 6 giant bee workers 6 giant centipedes 7 giant frogs 7 giant lizards 3 giant raccoons 28 giant rats 3 giant slugs 18 giant spiders 3 gibbering mouthers 12 gnolls 1 gnoll chieftain 66 goblins 16 goblin berserkers 8 goblin chieftains 22 goblin rockthrowers 14 goblin slavemasters 1 goodwife 1 gorgon 1 gray slayer 3 greater mummies 3 green hags 5 green slimes 30 green worms 1 gremlin 2 griffons 2 grizzly bears 2 half-orc bouncers 5 harpies 4 hell hounds 1 hill giant 1 hill orc 3 hill orc sergeants 5 hippogriffs 9 hobgoblins 4 hobgoblin chiefs 1 hobgoblin leader 3 homunculi 12 huge bats 3 hyenas 2 ice vortices 4 imps 72 jackals 5 jackal demons 3 jackalweres 5 karmic lizards 60 kobolds 8 kobold chieftains 8 kobold shamans 26 large bats 1 large dog 2 large gnolls 4 large jackals 17 large kobolds 21 large orcs 5 large snakes 46 large spiders 2 least daemons 1 lesser daemon 5 leucrottas 2 lightning lizards 15 lizard men 1 margoyle 15 master assassins 1 master necromancer 4 master swordsmen 4 mimics 7 minotaurs 1 mugger 10 mummies 1 mummy lord 3 necromancers 3 ochre jellies 58 ogres 1 ogre lord 4 ogre magi 50 orcs 10 orc chieftains 12 orc scorchers 3 outlaws 7 outlaw leaders 10 owlbears 18 pit vipers 1 pixie 3 pixie archers 6 quasits 1 quickling 5 rabid dogs 5 raiders 38 rats 15 ratling archers 6 ratling duelists 2 ratling fencers 1 ratling master thief 11 ratling thieves 1 ratling warlord 26 ratling warriors 1 rattlesnake 10 red worms 1 revenant 3 rust monsters 39 shadows 4 shadow centipedes 1 shadow lord 1 shadow troll 4 silver wolves 1 skeletal warrior 66 skeletons 4 slow shadows 1 spectre 5 staring eyes 1 steel golem 1 steel zombie 2 stone giants 1 stone golem 1 stone snake 1 stone statue 11 swordsmen 15 tarantulas 1 thug 13 trolls 1 troll berserker 2 troll chiefs 1 undead chaos dwarven berserker 6 vipers 3 wererats 5 werewolves 2 white baby dragons 9 white worms 27 wights 2 wild cats 39 wolves 3 wraiths 1 yellow ooze 87 zombies