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You were well-respected and comparatively wealthy. As a child you were not accepted by the other children of your tribe. Your childhood was sad and lonely. In your youth you strived very hard to become the best warrior in your tribe. You watched, learned and became very strong and nimble. As a young adult your family was killed in a raid. You became embittered and filled with the desire for revenge. At the age of 15 you left your tribe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 9026 stones Carrying capacity: 12675 stones He: uncursed eternium cap [+0, +4] [28s] Ne: uncursed ankh [3s] Bo: uncursed fine leather armor (named) (+2, +0) [+2, +8] (+15 spd) [120s] Gi: blessed girdle of carrying [+0, +0] [15s] Cl: uncursed cloak of adornment [+0, +1] {Ap+4} [40s] RH: blessed eternium two-handed sword of the void (+18, 6d5+18) [-1, +0] LH: - RR: uncursed ring of slaying (+7 melee damage, +6 missile damage) [1s] LR: blessed ring of the High Kings [+2, +3] [1s] Br: uncursed bracers of defense [+2, +0] [10s] Ga: uncursed elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3] [10s] Bo: blessed eternium boots [+0, +5] [55s] MW: - Mi: bundle of 7 uncursed quarrels of dragon slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [28s] Tl: uncursed Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire {St+10} [100s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 8565 stones Carrying capacity: 12675 stones Helmets ('[') heap of 3 uncursed eternium caps [+0, +4] [84s] uncursed silver helmet [+0, +0] [50s] uncursed helm of mental stability [+0, +1] {Le+1} [100s] uncursed orcish helmet [+1, +2] {Pe-2} [100s] heap of 2 uncursed bone helmets [+0, +1] [80s] uncursed crown of regeneration [+0, +0] [55s] Armor ('[') uncursed clean robe [+0, +1] {Ap+2} [60s] cursed mithril splint mail (-1, -3) [+1, +7] [360s] uncursed eternium ring mail (-1, -1) [+0, +9] [196s] uncursed eternium splint mail (-1, -2) [-1, +11] [200s] uncursed robe of invisibility [+0, +1] [60s] uncursed adamantium splint mail of health (-1, -3) [+0, +9] [278s] Shields ('[') uncursed large crystal shield (-1) [+10, +2] [210s] uncursed medium crystal shield [+11, +4] [160s] uncursed tower crystal shield (-2) [+13, +4] [260s] uncursed large crystal shield (-1) [+11, +2] [210s] uncursed medium adamantium shield [+7, +0] [72s] uncursed tower crystal shield (-3) [+13, +6] [260s] uncursed tower adamantium shield (-4) [+11, +2] [108s] uncursed medium shield [+3, +4] [100s] Gauntlets ('[') uncursed thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+1, -1] [15s] uncursed thick gauntlets (+0, -1) [+0, +1] [15s] uncursed thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+0, +4] [15s] heap of 6 uncursed pairs of thick gauntlets (-1, -2) [+0, +1] [90s] heap of 2 uncursed pairs of blue leather gauntlets [+0, +1] [20s] uncursed red dragon-hide gauntlets (-2, +0) [+1, +2] [10s] Cloaks ('[') heap of 2 uncursed cloaks of protection [+0, +3] [40s] uncursed hooded cloak [+1, +0] [40s] blessed cloak of protection [+0, +3] [20s] uncursed hooded cloak [-1, +0] [40s] Girdles ('[') uncursed adamantium girdle [+0, +3] [18s] Boots ('[') uncursed eternium boots (-1, -1) [+0, +6] [55s] uncursed eternium boots [+1, +5] [55s] uncursed leather boots [+0, +0] [25s] uncursed spiked boots [-1, +1] [30s] uncursed heavy boots [-1, +1] [30s] Necklaces (''') heap of 2 uncursed amulets of protection from undead [6s] blessed amulet of chaos [3s] uncursed amulet of protection +2 [3s] heap of 3 uncursed amulets of light [9s] blessed amulet of health [3s] blessed amulet of perseverance {Wi+4} [3s] uncursed amulet of luck [8s] uncursed amulet of health [3s] uncursed amulet of teleport control [3s] cursed necklace of rapid healing [2s] uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+3} [3s] uncursed necklace of rapid healing [2s] ') uncursed bracers of defense [+2, +0] [10s] uncursed bracers of resistance [+0, +0] [10s] heap of 3 uncursed brass bracers [+0, +0] [30s] blessed bracers of speed [+0, +0] (+4 spd) [10s] blessed bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+4} [10s] cursed bracers of defense [+1, +0] [10s] One-handed weapons ('(') uncursed sword of Nonnak (+2, 4d3+2) [+2, +2] {Wi+5} [80s] uncursed murderous eternium battle axe of the sun (+0, 2d6+9) [35s] uncursed eternium long sword of vampirism (+0, 2d8+6) [20s] uncursed pick axe (+0, 1d6+1) [75s] uncursed adamantium scimitar (+0, 1d8+6) [28s] uncursed orcish knife (+0, 1d3+2) [10s] uncursed green spear (+2, 1d8) [50s] uncursed broken pick axe (+0, 1d6+1) [75s] uncursed scalpel (-1, 1d3+4) [2s] uncursed adamantium long sword (+0, 1d8+5) [28s] uncursed mace of destruction (+5, 5d6+9) [120s] blessed eternium broadsword (+0, 2d7+9) [38s] uncursed eternium dagger (+3, 2d4+7) [5s] uncursed adamantium spear (+1, 1d8+7) [36s] blessed club (+0, 1d6) [30s] blessed knife of endurance (+6, 1d3+6) {To+4} [8s] uncursed eternium scimitar (+2, 2d8+8) [19s] Two-handed weapons ('(') blessed ancient claymore "Death's Blade" (+6, 6d8+6) [+4, +0] [400s] uncursed quarterstaff of penetration (+0, 1d10) [40s] uncursed eternium two-handed sword (+18, 6d5+20) [-1, +0] [50s] cursed adamantium halberd (+9, 2d7+6) [-2, +0] [70s] blessed mithril halberd (+7, 2d7+4) [-2, +0] [80s] uncursed eternium two-handed sword (+18, 6d5+18) [-1, +0] [50s] heap of 2 uncursed eternium halberds (+11, 4d7+8) [-2, +0] [100s] uncursed mithril halberd (+10, 2d7+4) [-2, +0] [80s] cursed quicksilver quarterstaff (+6, 5d3+5) [+3, +0] (+20 spd) [20s] uncursed adamantium two-handed sword (+12, 3d5+12) [-1, +0] [70s] Missile weapons ('}') uncursed long bow (+2, +2) [30s] uncursed short bow of accuracy (+6, +0) [20s] uncursed light crossbow of accuracy (+10, +0) [70s] uncursed light crossbow (+4, +0) [70s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 56 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6) [112s] bundle of 14 blessed arrows (+0, 1d6) [28s] bundle of 9 uncursed mithril quarrels (+3, 2d6+5) [18s] bundle of 17 uncursed arrows of construct slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [34s] bundle of 3 uncursed mithril drakish scurgari (+4, 1d8+5) [24s] bundle of 8 blessed quarrels of humanoid slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [32s] bundle of 10 uncursed quarrels of demon slaying (+3, 2d6+3) [40s] bundle of 12 uncursed quarrels (+3, 2d6) [24s] bundle of 6 cursed quarrels of giant slaying (+5, 2d8+3) [24s] bundle of 2 uncursed eternium arrows (+1, 2d6+8) [2s] bundle of 6 cursed adamantium quarrels (+1, 2d6+6) [6s] bundle of 6 uncursed barbed mithril quarrels (+1, 2d6+11) [12s] bundle of 5 uncursed adamantium arrows (+1, 1d6+6) [5s] bundle of 5 uncursed mithril quarrels (+1, 2d6+3) [10s] bundle of 7 uncursed quarrels (+2, 2d6) [14s] bundle of 13 uncursed arrows of undead slaying (+3, 2d4+3) [26s] bundle of 8 uncursed arrows of undead slaying (+6, 2d4+3) [16s] bundle of 3 uncursed penetrating quarrels (+1, 2d6) [6s] bundle of 11 cursed quarrels (+1, 2d6) [22s] bundle of 5 uncursed mithril arrows of targeting (+9, 1d6+3) [10s] bundle of 4 uncursed arrows of hunting (+0, 1d6) [8s] bundle of 18 uncursed quarrels (+1, 2d6) [36s] bundle of 2 uncursed eternium quarrels (+3, 4d6+8) [2s] bundle of 10 uncursed arrows of jelly slaying (+3, 2d4+3) [20s] bundle of 2 uncursed adamantium quarrels (+1, 2d6+3) [2s] bundle of 6 blessed arrows of dragon slaying (+3, 1d6+3) [12s] bundle of 17 uncursed quarrels of giant slaying (+4, 2d8+3) [68s] uncursed javelin of death (+11, 6d6+2) [40s] bundle of 3 uncursed mithril drakish scurgari (+5, 1d8+8) [24s] bundle of 21 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6+1) [42s] bundle of 4 blessed black hurthling quarrels (+1, 1d3+2) [8s] bundle of 3 uncursed arrows (-2, 1d6) [6s] bundle of 5 cursed adamantium quarrels (+4, 2d6+8) [5s] bundle of 7 uncursed arrows of dragon slaying (+4, 1d6+6) [14s] Tools (']') heap of 2 blessed waterproof blankets [20s] heap of 2 uncursed tiny keys [2s] heap of 2 uncursed small keys [2s] uncursed fletchery set (6) [70s] heap of 2 uncursed holy symbols [10s] blessed box with flint and steel (6) [5s] uncursed hexagonal key [1s] uncursed tinderbox (26) [3s] cursed fireproof blanket [10s] heap of 2 uncursed fluff balls [4s] uncursed round key [1s] cursed fletchery set (8) [70s] uncursed Chaos Orb of Elemental Water {Wi+10} [100s] heap of 2 uncursed square keys [2s] blessed small key [1s] blessed fletchery set (8) [70s] uncursed waterproof blanket [10s] blessed fireproof blanket [10s] uncursed triangular key [1s] blessed tinderbox (9) [3s] Rings ('=') blessed ring of ice [1s] uncursed ring of teleport control [1s] blessed ring of stun resistance [1s] uncursed ring of acid resistance [1s] uncursed ring of protection +2 [1s] blessed ring of invisibility [1s] cursed ring of cold resistance [1s] uncursed ring of damage [1s] Wands ('\') uncursed wand of door creation (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap creation (6 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of ball lightning (2 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of teleportation (6 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of digging (0 charges) [3s] blessed wand of fireballs (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of digging (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of item detection (2 charges) [3s] blessed wand of fireballs (12 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of cold (10 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of digging (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of digging (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (1 charge) [3s] cursed wand of trap creation (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (6 charges) [3s] blessed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of fire (4 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of paralyzation (4 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of ball lightning (2 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of monster creation (4 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of gold detection (6 charges) [6s] uncursed wand of digging (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of stunning (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (2 charges) [3s] blessed wand of cold (3 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of item detection (4 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of earthquakes (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of trap detection (4 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of wonder (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of paralyzation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of stunning (4 charges) [3s] cursed wand of door creation (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (4 charges) [3s] Potions ('!') uncursed potion of boost toughness [2s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of boost willpower [8s] heap of 4 blessed potions of extra healing [8s] heap of 9 uncursed potions of invisibility [36s] uncursed potion of beauty [4s] blessed potion of potential beauty [4s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of healing [12s] cursed potion of healing [4s] uncursed potion of blindness [2s] cursed potion of mana [4s] blessed potion of boost charisma [2s] uncursed potion of potential learning [4s] heap of 4 potions of holy water [16s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of carrot juice [16s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of boost speed [4s] blessed potion of potential strength [4s] uncursed potion of cure corruption [2s] cursed potion of potential willpower [4s] heap of 4 uncursed potions of cure poison [8s] cursed potion of boost strength [2s] uncursed potion of confusion [2s] blessed potion of potential mana [4s] uncursed potion of stun recovery [2s] uncursed potion of boost appearance [2s] uncursed potion of poison [4s] uncursed potion of raw mana [2s] uncursed potion of insight [2s] uncursed potion of ultra healing [2s] uncursed potion of boost mana [2s] uncursed potion of youth [4s] uncursed oil of rust removal [2s] cursed potion of invisibility [4s] uncursed potion of exchange [4s] cursed potion of longevity [4s] blessed potion of ultra healing [2s] uncursed potion of education [2s] uncursed potion of training [2s] uncursed potion of troll blood [2s] Scrolls ('?') heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of dark predictions [6s] uncursed blank scroll [2s] heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of light [8s] heap of 6 uncursed scrolls of power [12s] uncursed scroll of peace [2s] uncursed scroll of uncursing [2s] heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of identify [8s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of increase melee damage [4s] cursed scroll of teleportation [2s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of teleportation [6s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of great identify [6s] uncursed scroll of charging [2s] blessed scroll of increase melee damage [2s] blessed scroll of defense [2s] uncursed scroll of familiar summoning [2s] blessed scroll of gold detection [2s] uncursed scroll of gold detection [2s] uncursed scroll of luck [2s] Books ('"') uncursed spellbook of Darkness [100s] Food ('%') heap of 106 blessed stomacemptia herbs [212s] heap of 33 uncursed stomafillia herbs [66s] heap of 66 uncursed stomacemptia herbs [132s] heap of 42 uncursed spenseweeds [84s] heap of 16 blessed spenseweeds [32s] uncursed large ration [200s] uncursed loaf of hurthling bread [30s] uncursed fortune cookie [3s] uncursed lump of gelee royal [3s] blessed ogre lord corpse [240s] heap of 5 blessed pepper petals [10s] cursed pepper petal [2s] heap of 3 blessed burb roots [6s] uncursed pepper petal [2s] heap of 2 blessed morgia roots [4s] uncursed morgia root [2s] heap of 3 blessed devil's roses [6s] heap of 5 uncursed curaria mancox herbs [10s] heap of 2 blessed curaria mancox herbs [4s] cursed curaria mancox herb [2s] blessed demon daisy [2s] heap of 2 blessed alraunia antidotes [4s] uncursed devil's rose [2s] cursed spenseweed [2s] uncursed iron ration [100s] cursed iron ration [100s] uncursed loaf of bread [40s] Valuables ('$') 15845 gold pieces [158s] Gems ('*') uncursed aquamarine [1s] uncursed crystal of light [1s] heap of 2 uncursed emeralds [2s] heap of 2 uncursed opals [2s] uncursed sapphire [1s] uncursed crystal of power [1s] heap of 2 uncursed crystals of health [2s] cursed aquamarine [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melee weapon Lvl Hit Dam DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Unarmed fighting 2 +2 +0 +0 basic 25 Daggers & knives 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 10 Clubs & hammers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Maces & flails 7 +5 +3 +2 skilled 391 Swords 7 +5 +3 +2 skilled 235 Axes 3 +2 +1 +0 basic 48 Whips 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Pole arms 8 +8 +4 +8 excellent 543 Twohanded weapons 10 +10 +14 +4 excellent 455 Staves 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 15 Missile weapon Lvl Hit Dam Ra Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- --- -- ------------- -------------- Slings 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Bows 4 +8 +6 +1 skilled 34 Crossbows 2 +4 +3 +0 basic 13 Thrown axes & hammers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown daggers 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Thrown rocks & clubs 2 +4 +3 +0 basic 20 Thrown spears 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 7 Boomerangs & scurgari 0 +0 +0 +0 unskilled 3 Shields Lvl DV Level Required marks --------------------- --- --- ------------- -------------- Shields 7 +14 skilled 328 Damage caused with your melee weapons: -------------------------------------- Right hand: +109 bonus to hit, 6d5+75 damage Damage caused with your missile weapons: ---------------------------------------- No missile weapons available. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Athletics ................100 (superb) [+2d4] Bridge building .......... 16 (mediocre) [+3d5] (mr) Climbing ................. 46 (fair) [+4d4] Dodge ....................100 (superb) [+2d4] First aid ................ 39 (fair) [+4d4] Food preservation ........ 86 (great) [+1d5] Gemology ................. 17 (mediocre) [+3d4] Haggling ................. 16 (mediocre) [+3d4] Herbalism ................100 (superb) [+1d5] Listening ................100 (superb) [+2d4] Literacy ................. 64 (good) [+1] Mining ................... 10 (poor) [+4d4] Stealth ..................100 (superb) [+1d5] Survival ................. 63 (good) [+3d5] Swimming ................. 95 (superb) [+1d5] Two weapon combat ........ 20 (mediocre) [+4d5] Woodcraft ................ 12 (mediocre) [+4d5] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effects of Corruption ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have grown a bulging cranium (Le: +6, Wi: +4, Ap: -6, PV: -4, To: -3). You exhale sulphur (Ch: -4). You have become extremely thin and nimble (1/2 weight, DV: +6). Your corrupted tissue seems to heal much faster. You have grown thorns (3d3 melee damage, Dx: -2, Ap: -3). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- His achievements during his adventures: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orion, the trollish barbarian, was dissolved by an ancient black dragon. He scored 210222 points and advanced to level 16. He survived for 0 years, 58 days, 4 hours, 51 minutes and 55 seconds (62661 turns). Orion visited 76 places. His strength score was modified by -2 during his career. His learning score was modified by +1 during his career. His willpower score was modified by -1 during his career. His dexterity score was modified by +3 during his career. His toughness score was modified by +2 during his career. His charisma score was modified by +3 during his career. His appearance score was modified by +1 during his career. His perception score was modified by +5 during his career. He ended his adventuring life on level 32 of the caverns of chaos. 2726 monsters perished under his attacks. The following 15 artifacts were generated during his adventure: the si the scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle" the potion of literacy the ancient claymore "Death's Blade" the Chaos Orb of Elemental Water the Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire the sword of Nonnak the elemental gauntlets the ring of the High Kings the phial of Caladriel the crown of science the ancient mummy wrapping the ankh the black torc the fine leather armor "Nature's Companion" He possessed the following intrinsics: He was fire resistant (enhanced through items). He was poison resistant (enhanced through an item). He was cold resistant (gained through items). He was lucky (enhanced through an item). Fate smiled upon him (enhanced through an item). He was sleep resistant. He was able to control teleportation. He was invisible. He was shock resistant (gained through items). He was able to see invisible things. He was immune to shock attacks (gained through an item). He was immune to fire attacks (gained through an item). He was immune to ice attacks. He had the following talents: Extremely Hardy, Hardy, Iron Skin, Shield Specialist, Steel Skin, Tough Skin, Very Hardy. He had a final speed score of 123 (final base speed: 108). He was a paragon of his religion. He asked for 7 divine interventions. He was a holy champion of Chaos. He was severely tainted by Chaos. The following monsters were vanquished: 1 Ancient Chaos Wyrm 1 ankheg 1 annis hag 3 assassins 23 bandits 1 banshee 3 barbarians 5 barbarian leaders 1 battle bunny 1 berserker 1 berserker emperor 1 berserker king 27 berserker lords 1 berserker prince 2 big dogs 1 black druid 5 black hurthlings 1 black slayer 1 black unicorn 3 black wizards 20 blink dogs 1 bone golem 1 brown worm 12 bugbears 1 bunny master 1 carrion crawler 14 cave bears 8 cave fishers 2 cave lions 8 cave lizards 2 cave tigers 8 cavemen 3 chaos brothers 1 chaos eye 27 chaos knights 4 chaos lizards 4 chaos rats 32 chaos servants 3 chaos sisters 1 child 3 claw bugs 1 clay golem 2 cobras 1 cooshoo 28 corpse fiends 1 corruptor 2 crystal statues 6 cutpurses 2 cyclopes 5 dark elven archers 2 dark elven priestesses 2 dark elven warriors 2 dark elven wizards 5 dark orcs 5 dark sages 14 dire wolves 7 displacer beasts 6 dopplegangers 1 doppleganger king 1 doppleganger lord 1 dwarf 6 dwarven chaos knights 1 dwarven child 1 dwarven guardian 2 ettins 1 farmer 15 fire beetles 9 fire demons 9 fire drakes 14 fire elementals 14 fire giants 7 fire grues 13 fire lizards 1 fire vortex 2 flesh golems 4 floating eyes 3 fomorian giants 1 frost giant 2 gargoyles 25 gelatinous cubes 25 ghosts 2 ghost bats 6 ghost lords 89 ghuls 18 giant bats 2 giant bee queens 54 giant bee warriors 34 giant bee workers 7 giant centipedes 10 giant frogs 5 giant lizards 18 giant raccoons 92 giant rats 1 giant rust monster 2 giant slugs 18 giant spiders 1 gibbering mouther 20 gnolls 5 gnoll chieftains 21 goblins 1 goblin berserker 8 goblin chieftains 28 goblin rockthrowers 11 goblin slavemasters 2 goodwives 55 gray oozes 1 greater daemon 1 greater mimic 14 greater mummies 19 green blobs 52 green slimes 5 gremlins 5 griffons 2 grizzly bears 7 harpies 43 hell hounds 3 hill giants 3 hill giant chieftains 2 hill orcs 8 hill orc sergeants 6 hippogriffs 14 hobgoblins 1 hobgoblin chief 1 hobgoblin leader 9 huge bats 13 hyenas 2 imps 2 invisible stalkers 1 iron golem 13 jackals 5 jackal demons 4 jackalweres 3 karmic lizards 17 kobolds 12 kobold chieftains 5 kobold shamans 21 large bats 6 large gnolls 2 large jackals 13 large kobolds 27 large orcs 1 large rust monster 5 large snakes 19 large spiders 36 least daemons 12 lesser daemons 4 leucrottas 8 liches 2 lightning lizards 17 lizard men 1 margoyle 4 master liches 2 master mimics 1 master necromancer 2 master swordsmen 4 mimics 3 minotaurs 17 mummies 1 mummy lord 3 necromancers 2 ochre jellies 42 ogres 3 ogre lords 2 ogre magi 73 orcs 11 orc chieftains 6 orc scorchers 3 outlaws 2 outlaw leaders 2 owlbears 39 pit vipers 1 pixie 1 pixie archer 1 purple worm 5 quasits 2 quicklings 4 rabid dogs 10 raiders 216 rats 6 ratling archers 1 ratling duelist 3 ratling fencers 9 ratling thieves 4 ratling warlords 4 ratling warriors 2 rattlesnakes 3 red baby dragons 48 red worms 1 revenant 1 rust monster 94 shadows 1 shadow troll 1 shopkeeper 7 silver wolves 1 skeletal king 10 skeletal warriors 135 skeletons 2 slow shadows 1 Snake from Beyond 16 spectres 5 staring eyes 19 steel golems 3 stone giants 3 stone golems 2 stone statues 7 swordsmen 14 tarantulas 7 trolls 4 troll berserkers 1 undead chaos dwarven berserker 4 vampires 1 vapor rat 2 vipers 8 water demons 6 water elementals 14 water grues 22 water snakes 34 wererats 3 werewolves 2 werewolf lords 3 white baby dragons 7 white worms 106 wights 1 wild cat 1 will o'wisp 48 wolves 66 wraiths 3 yellow oozes 110 zombies