---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quash St:24 Le:21 Wi:18 Dx:12 To:28 Ch:13 Ap:17 Ma:14 Pe:12 L DV/PV: 25/36 H: 207(207) P: 63(63) Exp: 16/253986 M: 38187 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Quash Race: female Drakeling Class: Paladin Eye color: blue Hair color: bald Complexion: blue Height: 5'1" Weight: 127 pounds Age: 26 (grown-up) Star sign: Candle Birthday: 30/Candle (day 300 of the year) YOUR HISTORY: Your parents belong to the lower class. They were honest hard-working people, who did everything to enable you to live a comfortable and fine life. They were not very successful. As a child your parents cared a lot for you. Despite all circumstances you enjoyed a happy and fine childhood. In your youth you worked a lot to become rich and famous later. Consequently you rarely had enough time to play with other kids of your age. Your path was always clearly lying before you. You knew about your destiny since your earliest years and fortunately your grandfather supported your wishes. You managed to find a competent trainer and began your studies. You decided to become a Paladin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 5169 stones Carrying capacity: 3150 stones He: uncursed helm of mental stability [+0, +1] {Le+3} [100s] Ne: uncursed ankh [3s] Bo: uncursed fine leather armor (named) (+2, +0) [+2, +8] (+15 spd) [120s] Gi: uncursed adamantium girdle [+0, +4] [18s] Cl: uncursed cloak of protection [+0, +3] [20s] RH: blessed rustproof sword of sharpness (+0, 4d8+6) [35s] LH: uncursed large eternium shield (-1) [+11, +5] [54s] RR: blessed ring of damage [1s] LR: uncursed ring of cold resistance [1s] Br: uncursed bracers of toughness [+0, +0] {To+4} [10s] Ga: blessed elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3] [10s] Bo: blessed adamantium boots [+0, +4] [89s] MW: uncursed long bow of accuracy (+8, +2) [30s] Mi: uncursed silvery arrow (named) (+10, 15d5) [2s] Tl: uncursed everburning torch [+1, +0] [10s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stuff ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total weight: 4666 stones Carrying capacity: 3150 stones Helmets ('[') blessed mithril cap [+0, +2] [40s] Armor ('[') uncursed ancient mummy wrapping [+1, +5] {Ap-8} [60s] Shields ('[') uncursed tower adamantium shield (-2) [+11, +2] [108s] uncursed small shield [+3, +3] [50s] blessed medium adamantium shield [+7, +2] [72s] Girdles ('[') uncursed girdle of strength [+0, +0] {St+1} [15s] uncursed girdle of greed [+0, +0] [7s] uncursed adamantium girdle [+0, +3] [18s] blessed adamantium girdle [+0, +3] [18s] Necklaces (''') uncursed necklace of rapid healing [2s] uncursed necklace of the eye [3s] uncursed amulet of protection from undead [3s] uncursed pendant of mana {Ma+2} [3s] uncursed amulet of luck [8s] uncursed necklace of rabies resistance [2s] uncursed amulet of defense +2 [3s] uncursed amulet of speed (+3 spd) [3s] blessed amulet of order [3s] uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+4} [3s] uncursed amulet of the cold heart {Ch-12} [3s] cursed amulet of light [3s] uncursed amulet of petrification resistance [3s] cursed amulet of the cold heart {Ch-12} [3s] uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+3} [3s] ') uncursed bracers of speed [+0, +0] (+4 spd) [10s] One-handed weapons ('(') blessed whip (-4, 1d3) [15s] uncursed broken pick axe (+0, 1d6+1) [75s] uncursed orcish spear (+1, 1d8+2) [75s] blessed adamantium sabre (-1, 1d6+10) [22s] heap of 2 uncursed knives (+0, 1d3) [16s] uncursed mithril spear (+1, 1d8+3) [40s] uncursed mithril broadsword (+0, 1d7+4) [64s] uncursed hatchet (+0, 1d6+1) [50s] uncursed eternium spear (+2, 2d8+7) [25s] uncursed mithril long sword (+1, 1d8+3) [32s] blessed sword of Nonnak (+2, 4d3+2) [+2, +2] {Wi+5} [80s] uncursed mithril long sword of thunder (+3, 1d8+3) [32s] uncursed eternium dagger (+0, 2d4+7) [5s] blessed mithril long sword (+0, 1d8+3) [32s] uncursed battle axe (+0, 1d6+2) [70s] uncursed lead-filled mace "Big Punch" (+1, 8d5+3) [-6, +0] [800s] Two-handed weapons ('(') blessed mithril long spear (+1, 1d12+3) [+1, +0] [75s] uncursed mithril halberd (+7, 2d7+4) [-2, +0] [80s] uncursed adamantium long spear (+0, 1d12+5) [+1, +0] [67s] Missile weapons ('}') uncursed short bow of accuracy (+4, +0) [20s] uncursed short bow (+2, +0) [20s] uncursed short bow (+1, +1) [20s] uncursed short bow (+1, +3) [20s] uncursed sling (+0, +1) [3s] Missiles ('/') bundle of 17 uncursed arrows of hunting (+0, 1d6) [34s] uncursed barbed quarrel (+1, 2d6+6) [2s] bundle of 48 uncursed quarrels (+1, 2d6) [96s] bundle of 6 blessed arrows (+0, 1d6) [12s] heap of 14 uncursed rocks (+0, 1d4) [70s] uncursed arrow (+0, 1d6+3) [2s] uncursed arrow (-1, 1d6) [2s] bundle of 13 uncursed arrows (+2, 1d6) [26s] blessed arrow (+0, 1d6+1) [2s] uncursed winged arrow (+0, 1d6) [2s] uncursed arrow (+1, 1d6+2) [2s] bundle of 7 uncursed adamantium quarrels (+1, 2d6+6) [7s] bundle of 101 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6) [202s] bundle of 5 blessed quarrels (+1, 2d6) [10s] bundle of 18 uncursed quarrels (+4, 2d6) [36s] uncursed arrow (+0, 1d6+1) [2s] uncursed penetrating arrow (+3, 1d6) [2s] uncursed arrow (+3, 1d6) [2s] blessed arrow (+3, 1d6) [2s] uncursed arrow (+1, 1d6) [2s] uncursed arrow of slaying (+0, 1d6) [2s] bundle of 4 cursed arrows (+0, 1d6) [8s] uncursed unbalanced arrow (-8, 1d6+1) [2s] bundle of 23 cursed arrows (+3, 1d6) [46s] bundle of 9 uncursed arrows (+0, 1d6+2) [18s] Tools (']') blessed holy symbol [5s] heap of 2 uncursed waterproof blankets [20s] uncursed tiny key [1s] uncursed climbing set [180s] blessed torch [10s] uncursed small key [1s] heap of 3 uncursed hexagonal keys [3s] uncursed tinderbox (2) [3s] uncursed triangular key [1s] uncursed fireproof blanket [10s] blessed tinderbox (17) [3s] uncursed torch [10s] uncursed square key [1s] uncursed holy symbol [5s] uncursed everburning torch [+1, +0] [10s] blessed hexagonal key [1s] Instruments ('{') heap of 2 uncursed tambourines [10s] Rings ('=') uncursed ring of stun resistance [1s] uncursed ring of acid resistance [1s] heap of 3 uncursed rings of fire resistance [3s] blessed ring of stun resistance [1s] uncursed ring of regeneration [1s] cursed ring of defense +1 [1s] blessed ring of fire resistance [1s] Wands ('\') uncursed wand of digging (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of trap detection (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of far slaying (2 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (4 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap creation (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of teleportation (5 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of far slaying (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of item detection (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of lightning (2 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of door creation (8 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of trap detection (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of magic missiles (1 charge) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (7 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of teleportation (1 charge) [4s] uncursed wand of webbing (8 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of teleportation (3 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of cold (0 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of item detection (1 charge) [3s] blessed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] blessed wand of fireballs (9 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of acid (4 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of light (4 charges) [4s] uncursed wand of poison (3 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of digging (5 charges) [3s] uncursed wand of fireballs (4 charges) [3s] Potions ('!') heap of 2 uncursed potions of potential dexterity [8s] heap of 9 potions of holy water [36s] heap of 3 uncursed potions of raw mana [6s] heap of 6 uncursed potions of healing [24s] blessed potion of potential beauty [4s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of balance [8s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of carrot juice [8s] uncursed potion of dexterity [4s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of invisibility [8s] uncursed potion of charisma [4s] uncursed potion of potential willpower [4s] uncursed potion of boost charisma [2s] uncursed potion of boost appearance [2s] uncursed potion of cure poison [2s] uncursed potion of potential learning [4s] uncursed potion of confusion [2s] blessed potion of boost strength [2s] blessed potion of exchange [4s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of potential mana [8s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of water [8s] uncursed potion of ultra healing [2s] uncursed potion of booze [4s] uncursed potion of willpower [4s] blessed potion of blindness [2s] heap of 2 uncursed potions of boost willpower [4s] uncursed potion of training [2s] uncursed potion of boost learning [2s] blessed potion of booze [4s] uncursed oil of rust removal [2s] uncursed potion of potential toughness [4s] uncursed potion of toughness [4s] uncursed potion of cure corruption [2s] uncursed potion of boost perception [2s] blessed potion of potential mana [4s] heap of 5 blessed potions of extra healing [10s] Scrolls ('?') uncursed scroll of information [2s] uncursed scroll of warning [2s] uncursed scroll of protection [2s] heap of 3 blessed scrolls of uncursing [6s] uncursed scroll of dark predictions [2s] heap of 9 uncursed scrolls of power [18s] heap of 3 blessed scrolls of identify [6s] heap of 2 blessed scrolls of light [4s] blessed scroll of monster detection [2s] uncursed scroll of teleportation [2s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of light [4s] uncursed scroll of cure blindness [2s] uncursed papyrus scroll [2s] blessed scroll of power [2s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of increase melee damage [4s] uncursed scroll of amnesia [2s] uncursed scroll of item destruction [2s] uncursed scroll of repair [2s] uncursed scroll of monster detection [2s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of great identify [6s] cursed scroll of vermin control [2s] heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of balance [6s] uncursed scroll of darkness [2s] cursed scroll of identify [2s] heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of identify [4s] uncursed scroll of treasure creation [2s] uncursed scroll of satiation [2s] cursed scroll of uncursing [2s] Books ('"') uncursed spellbook of Darkness [100s] uncursed spellbook of Darkness [100s] uncursed spellbook of Freezing Fury [100s] uncursed spellbook of Hellish Flames [100s] uncursed spellbook of Lesser Divine Touch [100s] uncursed spellbook of Slow Monster [100s] Food ('%') heap of 2 blessed iron rations [200s] heap of 4 uncursed melons [80s] blessed piece of fresh meat [20s] uncursed piece of fresh meat [20s] heap of 2 uncursed herb seeds [4s] uncursed dwarven sausage [20s] heap of 2 uncursed plant seeds [4s] uncursed bit of gnomish candy [2s] heap of 6 uncursed morgia roots [12s] heap of 5 uncursed pepper petals [10s] heap of 4 uncursed stomacemptia herbs [8s] heap of 12 uncursed stomafillia herbs [24s] heap of 2 uncursed moss patches of mareilon [4s] heap of 4 uncursed spenseweeds [8s] uncursed demon daisy [2s] uncursed bone [4s] heap of 11 cursed stomacemptia herbs [22s] heap of 10 cursed stomafillia herbs [20s] heap of 3 cursed moss patches of mareilon [6s] heap of 3 cursed morgia roots [6s] Valuables ('$') 13448 gold pieces [134s] Gems ('*') uncursed aquamarine [1s] uncursed crystal of fire [1s] uncursed ruby [1s] heap of 2 uncursed amber stones [2s] uncursed aquamarine [1s] uncursed worthless piece of brown glass [1s] uncursed opal [1s] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You played for 2 hours, 49 minutes and 25 seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Domains of Mystery Release 20 with ADOM Sage version 0.9.23 Linux ELF Prerelease 20 Build: Nov 21 2013 23:22:42