# ---------------------------------------------- # Keymap file for Ancient Domains Of Mystery # ---------------------------------------------- # Lines starting with a '#' are ignored. Empty lines are also ignored. # If you want to use more than one keycode for a specific command, you can # define multiple key-bindings by separating them with a SPACE character # (see the 'Wait' command for an example). # The following special characters are used: # \Mx -- press the alt key and some key x (for letters use the # lowercase letter) # \Cx -- press the control key and some key x # \S -- SPACE # \\ -- the backslash '\' itself # \L, \R, \U, \D -- the cursor keys left, right, up and down # \1 -- F1 # \2 -- F2 # \3 -- F3 # \4 -- F4 # \5 -- F5 # \6 -- F6 # \7 -- F7 # \8 -- F8 # \9 -- F9 # Attention: not all combinations of meta keys and normal keys might be # possible. Make sure to check this if you redefine the keyboard. # Note that the ENTER key is equal to (and thus represented by) \Cm. # IMPORTANT NOTE: # While in theory you can redefine the keys in any way you like in # practice this is not necessarily recommended, because some functions # in ADOM expect certain commands *not* to be bound to certain letters. # The following commands (the abbreviations from the definitions are # used) # MON MNW MOW MSW MOS MSE MOE MNE WAT # should *NOT* be bound to one of the following keys (separated by white- # space): # t T z Z \S + - # You *can* set them to one of the keys mentioned but this breaks all # functions for targeting and determining directions. You have been # warned. # Current version of ADOM: Version 1.2.0 # Activate trap ACT:\Ct # Apply skill ASK:a # Ascend stairway/Leave location ASC:< # Cast spell CST:Z # Chat with monster TLK:C # Change highlight mode HIL::h # Change tactic TAC::t # Check literacy LIT::l # Clean ears CLE:E # Close door CLO:c # Continuous search CSE:\Cs # Create short character logfile CSL:( # Create verbose character logfile CVL:) # Create screenshot CSS:[ # Descend stairway/Enter location DSC:> # Describe weather DEW::W # Dip (something) into (potion) DIP:! # Display available talents DAT::T # Display and quick-mark skills DSK:A # Display background BKG::b # Display bill BIL:P # Display burden levels DBL::B # Display configuration variables CFG:= # Display chaos powers CHP:\\ # Display character information DCI:@ \Mq # Display companions DCO::c # Display current wealth MNY:$ # Display name of your deity DID::g # Display elapsed game time DET:\Ce # Display identified items IDI:/ # Display kick statistics KST::K # Display killed monsters DKM::k # Display level map DLM:\Ml # Display message buffer MSG::m # Display missile statistics DMS:M # Display monster wound status MWS::w # Display previous hints DHM::H # Display quest status QST:Q # Display recipes RCP:R # Display required experience EXP::x # Display talents DTL:\Mt # Display version VER:V # Display weapon skills DWS:\Cw # Display weapon statistics WST:W # Drink DRK:q # Drop item(s) DRO:d # Drop items in a comfortable way DRC:\Cd # Eat EAT:e # Examine environment EXE:x # Extended drop EDR::d # Extended pay EPA::p # Extended use EUS::u # Give item to monster GIV:g # Handle something HDL:\Ch # Inventory INV:i # Invoke mindcraft INM:\Ci # Issue order to companion ISO:\Co # Kick KCK:\Ck # Look LOK:\Cl # Mark spells MSP::Z # Miscellaneous equipment STF:I # Move to the southwest MSW:b # Move to the south MOS:j # Move to the southeast MSE:n # Move to the west MOW:h # Move to the east MOE:l # Move to the northwest MNW:y # Move to the north MON:k # Move to the northeast MNE:u # Name monster/yourself BAP::n # Online help HLP:? # Open door OPN:o # Pay PAY:p # Pick up items primitively (fast) PPK:; # Pick up items PCK:, # Pick up items comfortably CPC:\Cp # Pray PRA:_ # Quit game QIT::q # Read REA:r # Recall monster memory RMM:& # Redraw screen RED:\Cr # Repeat last command RPT:' # Sacrifice SAC:O # Save game SAV:S # Search SEA:s # Set tactics to 'berserker' ST0:\C1 # Set tactics to 'very aggressive' ST1:\C2 # Set tactics to 'aggressive' ST2:\C3 # Set tactics to 'normal' ST3:\C4 # Set tactics to 'defensive' ST4:\C5 # Set tactics to 'very defensive' ST5:\C6 # Set tactics to 'coward' ST6:\C7 # Set configuration variable SEV::= # Shoot/Throw missile SHT:f # Swap position with monster SWA::s # Switch auto-pickup on/off CAP:\Ca # Switch the dynamic display STS::D # Switch the required (more) key CMK:\CM # Lock/Unlock door ULD:\Cu # Use item USE:v # Use class power UMP:\Cx # Use special ability SPA:m # Use tool UTO:t # Wait WAT:. # Walk to the southwest WM1:B # Walk to the south WM2:J # Walk to the southeast WM3:N # Walk to the west WM4:H # Walk on the spot WM5:5 # Walk to the east WM6:L # Walk to the northwest WM7:Y # Walk to the north WM8:K # Walk to the northeast WM9:U # Wipe face WIF:F # Zap wand ZAP:z